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SodaStream Brand

SodaStream At Appliance House


About SodaStream


Since 1903, SodaStream have been creating innovative carbonation systems for the home. The hugely popular 'SodaStream' is the No.1 sparkling water brand in the world. SodaStream sparkling water makers are used in kitchens worldwide, with stores spanning over 46 countries!

The SodaStream Carbonator has won many awards over the years and today, they are committed to creating products that help people to lead healthier lifestyles while protecting the environment.

SodaStream Carbonators


SodaStreams are designed for everyone to enjoy fresh, sparkling water at home. There's the option to choose the carbonation level so, you can enjoy a lightly sparkling drink or one full of fizz popping bubbles! The choice is yours.

By opting to create sparkling water in a SodaSteam system you're helping to protect the environment in more ways than one. Sparkling water on demand means you'll no longer need to buy plastic bottled water from the shops. This will lead the way to a healthier and cleaner planet, while reducing the carbon footprint associated with plastic bottle production and logistics.

SodaStream Accessories


There's no need to stop enjoying your favourite drinks once you invest in a SodaStream. Quite the opposite in fact! SodaStream have a superb selection of flavours on offer to liven up your freshly made sparkling water.

Whether you enjoy a classic flavour like cream soda or you prefer your water with a fruitier twist you'll have no trouble finding a flavour to suit your taste. With tonic and cucumber flavoured drops now on offer too, its easier than ever to make a nice G&T. 

SodaStream have partnered with PepsiCo soft drinks and now offer a range of the most popular flavoured syrups including Pepsi, Pepsi Max, 7up and 7up free. This means you can create a freshly bubbling glass of your favourite Pepsi Max or 7Up flavour from home, in your SodaStream maker! You can make around 9 litres from just one tiny bottle! This means you have the potential to reduce plastic waste significantly when you choose a glass of Pepsi made in a SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker. 

Other SodaStream accessories include gas cylinders and re-useable bottles. Throwing away flat soda (& the plastic bottle) will be a thing of the past once you invest in a SodaStream.


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